The Full Moonbat Command List
/ac or /amsg - alias for /helpop (messages an admin)
/alts - for builders only shows past usernames
/be Talk in [Network] Channel
/brew - commands for breweryX such as sealing and labeling bottles
/ch or /channel - change your chat channel between global, local, network, help, and trade
/chlist lists chat channels
/cinfo - info on a locked chest/other item
/cnolock make it so your chests dont autolock upon being placed
/createhome makes a home named "home" at current location (will overwrite previous homes named home)
/delhome - delete your sethome with /delhome (name)
/delignore - removes a /ignore if desired
/discord - gives discord link
/e(essentials command) - an alias for said essentialX command
/filter - bypasses the chat filter
/glist - list all players connected to the network
/hat and /head allow you to wear the item you are holding
/helpop - message the admins
/home (name) - tp to your sethomes
/homes - list your homes
/ignore - ignore a player
/join - alias for /channel
/leave - leave channel
/listen & /lis - listen to channel
/lwc - lwc commands
/m & /msg & /message - message player
/messagetoggle - continuously message someone until untoggled
/mute - mute players
/pl & /plugins
/plot - creative plot commands
/pm - personal message
/rg info - region stuff
/server - change server
/sethome (name) - set a home
/seen (name) - tells you the last time a specific player was online
/tell - message a player
/tps - gives the tps
/unlock - alias for /cunlock
/warp (name) - Warp
/warpinfo - info on a warp
/warps - lists warps
Super User
/mute /kick /channel staff